HTWP - High-temperature heat pumps in local and district heating supply - technology perspective for short and medium-term use in multivalent systems

    • Technologieperspektive für den kurz und mittelfristigen Einsatz in multivalenten Systemen

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    Project term:

    01.07.2021 to 30.06.2023


    Thermal Systems, System Integration

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    The energy transition is progressing significantly in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, not least because of its geographical location, economic and social structure. In addition to the associated expansion of the use of regenerative energies in the electricity supply, serious structural changes are also pending in the heat supply. In addition to the possibility of increasingly providing heating there directly with the help of renewable energy in the future, there is currently a special focus on the sector-coupling concept "Power-to-Heat", which uses electrical energy generated from renewable energy sources for heating wherever possible. Compression heat pump technology is of central importance, particularly because of its high efficiency.

    The focus is on the use of such heat pumps in grid-connected heat supply, i.e. in local and district heating networks. There they can be used together with other generation technologies and with the help of central thermal energy storage to cover demand.

    Compared to decentralized heat pumps in individual households, the advantages of the central intervention and the long-term usable supply structure should be mentioned. However, there are sometimes significant technical differences between heat pumps for household use and those for central heat supply systems. For example, the temperature levels of such heat pumps differ significantly. On the technology side, this leads to further special features that affect, for example, the working media or circuits used. There are also various options for integration into the supply structure. So far, no technology concept has clearly established itself.

    The HTWP project examines under which circumstances which technical concepts for central heat supply with high-temperature heat pumps in multivalent supply structures are economically attractive in the short and medium term and to what extent this results in an ecologically positive effect on the energy supply system.

    For this purpose, different technical concepts are thermodynamically mapped in detail and simulated under different boundary conditions in the sense of an economically optimal plant operation. The assessment of the attractiveness of the concepts and their system effect is based on the operating and framework data determined from them, which apply to the surrounding supply system and the plant itself. The bandwidth of the investigations to be carried out should cover both different working media and circuits as well as different heat supply systems and scenarios of the entire energy supply. In this way, those technology concepts can be identified whose implementation is particularly attractive for the actors and is therefore likely in the short and medium term.