The STRATEGO project aimed to support national authorities to draft National Heating and Cooling Plans (NHCP), alongside with developing the capacities at the local level to put these plans into practice.
STRATEGO partners fine-tuned the results of Heat Roadmap Europe by initiating the development of the Pan-European Thermal Atlas with deep assessment of energy efficiency potential for 5 targeted countries. These results have been used to support local authorities in taking action so that they can help their national authorities in preparing and developing NHCPs.
The purpose of the STRATEGO project was to:
- Provide tangible support in developing National Heating and Cooling Plans,
- Assist local authorities in evaluating their Heating and Cooling potential,
- Find their priority area for intervention, and,
- Identify concrete projects that should be implemented.
Therefore, the STRATEGO partners supported 30 cities/regions in mapping their local heating and cooling demand and supply and defining areas of priority for intervention, as well as organising one-to-one coaching and one-to-one meetings with national authorities responsible for drafting their NHCPs. As a result of these activities, over 40 energy efficiency projects were identified and proposed for implementation to local authorities.