As a response to the European Commission’s 2050 decarbonization goals, sEEnergies uniquely considers all aspects of the Energy Efficiency (EE) First Principle. By applying it in sectors and markets, country-by-country and grid-by-grid, and by combining temporal and spatial analyses, sEEnergies will develop an innovative, holistic and research-based EE-modelling approach.
The overall aim of sEEnergies is to quantify and operationalize the potentials for energy efficiency in buildings, transport, and industry. The project goes beyond state-of-the-art science-based knowledge and methods, as it combines sectorial bottom-up knowledge with hour-by-hour modeling of the energy systems and spatial analysis in the EU.
In the sEEnergies project, we are contributing to the mapping and the quantification of energy efficiency potentials by location as well as to a better understanding of the local geographies of efficient energy systems.