Wärmewende beschleunigen, Gasverbrauch reduzieren. Ein Kurzimpuls.

    • Scientists for Future 10, 1–17.
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    Author(s) - alphabetically sorted:

    Clausen, J.; Oei, Pao-Yu

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    Germany currently imports 500 TWh/a of natural gas from the Russian Federation. Most of this gas is used to generate process and space heat. By accelerating the conversion of heat supply to heat pumps powered by renewable electricity, renewable heat in district heating networks, and the substitution of natural gas in electricity generation with renewable energy, as well as energy conservation, as much natural gas can be saved in a few years as is currently imported from the Russian Federation. This requires greatly accelerating the spread of district heating networks and heat pumps in conjunction with a training offensive in the skilled trades. Changes to the regulatory framework in the form of a ban on oil and gas heating systems, as well as financial incentives and targeted subsidy programs, are also required. With such targeted efforts, Germany can at the same time make a significant contribution in the fight against the climate crisis.
