- Team
- Professors
- Research associates
- Blohm, Marina
- Braunger, Isabell
- Büttner, Clara
- Corral-Montoya, Felipe
- Cußmann, Ilka
- Dettner, Franziska
- Epia, Carlos
- Esterl, Katharina
- Fleischer, Christian
- Freißmann, Jonas
- Fritz, Malte
- Furnaro-Lobos, Andrea
- Graser, Georg
- Hackenberg, Tabitha
- Hanto, Jonathan
- Hasan, Mominul
- Herpich, Philipp
- Hilpert, Simon
- Irmansyah Siregar, Yudha
- Koepchen, Marius
- Krumm, Alexandra
- Laros, Simon
- Müller, Ulf Philipp
- Quiceno Soto, Grace
- Sadat, Fahim
- Stognief, Nora
- Walk, Paula
- Weber, Samanta Alena
- Weishaupt, Tim
- Former colleagues
- Bohm, Sönke
- Boie, Wulf
- Born, Jens
- Boysen, Cynthia
- Bunke, Wolf-Dieter
- Günther, Stephan
- Jahn, Martin
- Kaldemeyer, Cord
- Köster, Hannah
- Md Nasimul Islam Maruf
- Movsessian, Maria
- Reincke, Kristian
- Sadat, Fahim
- Schirrmacher, Julia
- Stefan, Torsten
- Struve, Achim
- Söthe, Martin
- Wiechers, Eva
- Wingenbach, Clemens
- Wingenbach, Marion
- Witte, Francesco
- Research
- Publications
- Teaching
Md Nasimul Islam Maruf

Contact data |
Phone | +49 (0) 461 805 3007 |
Fax | +49 (0) 461 805 953007 |
ni.maruf [at] uni-flensburg.de | |
Street | Auf dem Campus 1b |
ZIP, City | D-24943 Flensburg |
Department | Interdisziplinäres Institut für Umwelt-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften/ Abteilung Energie- und Umweltmanagement |
Building | Vilnius I |
Room | VIL 108 |
Research |
University | Europa-Universität Flensburg |
Md Nasimul Islam Maruf completed his Bachelor in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 2008 from IUT, Bangladesh. In 2011, he moved to Sweden to follow the SELECT Master’s Program (Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Systems) at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) with support from the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship awarded by the European Commission. Maruf’s notable short-term projects during his Masters include- Low-cost energy system for the rural off-grid people using locally available renewable energy resources; Designing the smart city model of Wuxi city, China; Modeling of the standard IEEE 14-bus system using MATLAB/Simulink; Pre-paid metering system for off-grid rural households; and A simulation-based model for microbial fuel cells to charge cell phones and power LED lamps.
Maruf specialized in smart grids during his second year of Master’s Studies at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Netherlands. His Master’s thesis title was- "Advanced Power Supply-Demand Matching by Bottom-up Operation to Optimize Distributed Energy Resources". The thesis presented a method to optimize the system performance by improving the involvement of customers in a smart grids environment. Under a more general platform for smart grid functions (i.e. local supply and demand matching, optimal power flow routing and network-market interaction), a test model was developed with the help of MATLAB and JADE. The model represented and exploited distributed energy resources in an agent-based framework to match local supply and demand.
After completing Master’s, Maruf went back to Bangladesh where he worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the American International University-Bangladesh. Maruf was the course instructor of "Renewable Energy Technology", "Power Stations" and "Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution" courses; and supervisor of several Bachelor theses and projects during this period.
Maruf started his doctoral research in July 2018 on modelling dispatchable loads in interlinked power, heat and transportation models at the Europa-Universität Flensburg. He is one of the Early Stage Researchers recruited to be part of the ENSYSTRA Project funded by the European Union within the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks.