- Team
- Professors
- Research associates
- Blohm, Marina
- Braunger, Isabell
- Büttner, Clara
- Corral-Montoya, Felipe
- Cußmann, Ilka
- Dettner, Franziska
- Epia, Carlos
- Esterl, Katharina
- Fleischer, Christian
- Freißmann, Jonas
- Fritz, Malte
- Furnaro-Lobos, Andrea
- Graser, Georg
- Hackenberg, Tabitha
- Hanto, Jonathan
- Hasan, Mominul
- Herpich, Philipp
- Hilpert, Simon
- Irmansyah Siregar, Yudha
- Koepchen, Marius
- Krumm, Alexandra
- Laros, Simon
- Müller, Ulf Philipp
- Quiceno Soto, Grace
- Sadat, Fahim
- Stognief, Nora
- Walk, Paula
- Weber, Samanta Alena
- Weishaupt, Tim
- Former colleagues
- Bohm, Sönke
- Boie, Wulf
- Born, Jens
- Boysen, Cynthia
- Bunke, Wolf-Dieter
- Günther, Stephan
- Jahn, Martin
- Kaldemeyer, Cord
- Köster, Hannah
- Md Nasimul Islam Maruf
- Movsessian, Maria
- Reincke, Kristian
- Sadat, Fahim
- Schirrmacher, Julia
- Stefan, Torsten
- Struve, Achim
- Söthe, Martin
- Wiechers, Eva
- Wingenbach, Clemens
- Wingenbach, Marion
- Witte, Francesco
- Research
- Publications
- Teaching
Prof. Dr. Jochen Wendiggensen

Contact data |
Phone | +49 (0) 461 805-1390 |
Fax | +49 (0) 461 805-1496 |
jochen.wendiggensen [at] hs-flensburg.de | |
Street | Kanzleistraße 91-93 |
ZIP, City | D-24943 Flensburg |
Department | Faculty of Energy and Biotechnology |
Building | Building H |
Room | H221 |
Research |
University | Flensburg University of Applied Sciences |
- Energieautomation
- Control theory, modeling and simulation
- Process control systems, communication systems, automation
- Programming, projects
Studies of electrical engineering at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, followed by system development for process control systems at ASEA BROWN BOVERY. Obtaining doctorate 1993 as a research associate at the Institute for Automation Technology at the Helmut-Schmidt-Universität of the federal armed forces in Hamburg. At the Flensburg University of Applied Science since 1994.
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