(Fl)ensburg (En)ergy (S)cenarios - open_eGo Scenarios for 2014/2035/2050

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    Open Science Framework

    Autor(en) - alphabetisch sortiert:

    Bunke, Wolf-Dieter; Kaldemeyer, Cord; Söthe, Martin; Wingenbach, Marion

    This Dataset includes scenarios for Germany and its electrically neighbouring countries for the application renpassG!S in order to calculate an electrical power system on a hourly basis. For the project open_eGo (Open Electricity Grid Optimization) three scenarios are defined and used for a following power flow simulations. Apart from one SQ scenario representing the electrical energy system in Germany in 2014, two future scenarios are defined via exogenous assumptions for the German power system in 2035 and at 100% renewable energy. The 2035 scenario is based on publicly available information and methods of the Netzentwicklungsplan (NEP) Strom 2025, erster Entwurf. Out of several NEP scenarios, the so-called "B1-2035" is chosen, which is characterized by a high renewable energy expansion and an increased share of natural gas. The third scenario pictures a future electrical energy system powered by 100% from renewable energy and is mainly based on the 100% RES scenario of the eHighway2050 - Modular Development Plan of the Pan-European Transmission System 2050. A detailed description of the scenarios, assumptions and sources is part of the readme file.
